Categorical Exclusion from NEPA Review

Airport improvement projects funded by the FAA (including those in the Airport Block Grant Program) must evaluate environmental considerations so as to protect and preserve the quality of mankind’s world environment.

The process used to evaluate environmental considerations is outlined in 42 USC 4321, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Some projects do not normally require an Environmental Assessment (EA) or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) because they do not have a significant effect on the human environment – these projects are Categorically Excluded (CATEX) from further review under NEPA. FAA Order 1050.1E, Chapter 3 explains various project types that FAA has determined can be CATEX-ed assuming there are no extraordinary circumstances that would require additional analysis. FAA has developed a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for CATEX Determinations.Two types of CATEXs are offered in the SOP: “simple written record for CATEX” and “Documented CATEX.” The determination of which is needed will be done during the project scoping meeting. Submission of applicable CATEX documents should be done early on in the project; do not wait until the grant application submission to submit these to NHDOT/Bureau of Aeronautics (for Block Grant airports) or FAA (for non-Block Grant airports).