Grant Applications

Planning Studies and Environmental Reports

FAA and NHDOT require specific content for each project grant application submitted for possible funding. NHDOT has created a checklist that compiles both FAA and NHDOT needs by project type all on one sheet for ease of use. This checklist is applicable to airport projects in either the Airport Block Grant Program or the regular Airport Improvement Program. Please consult this checklist to be sure that your grant application packages are complete.

Prepare a program narrative that includes:

  1. project purpose
  2. project benefits
  3. project approach (include a summary statement and not just the consultant's scope of work)
  4. project environmental impacts (provide FONSI date, simple CATEX statement, or a documented CATEX statement in accordance with FAA Standard Operating Procedure; must include comment regarding any extraordinary circumstances as identified in FAA Order 1050.1F, paragraph 5-2
  5. project Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) statement (only for contracts $250,000 or more)
  6. project coordination efforts (e.g., users and E.O. 12372)
  7. project organizational chart showing the basic relationships between FAA, NHDOT, airport sponsor, prime consultant and subconsultants

Exhibit A, Airport Property Map (2 printed D size drawings and 1 pdf), are required if: the Sponsor has acquired or release land/easements since the last AIP grant. Reminder – the Exhibit A SOP Checklist is required when submitting an Exhibit A Property map drawing ( If there has been no change to the Exhibit A since the last grant was issued, the previous Exhibit A Property Map must be referenced within the grant application (FAA Form 5100-100, Part III, Section 3 - Remarks). For recommended language please reference Suggested Language for Exhibit A Property Map Reference.

Sponsor Certifications

Grant Assurances

Note: All airport sponsors (Block Grant and non-Block Grant) must be actively registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) using their DUNS (Dun and Bradstreet) number. If an airport sponsor has multiple DUNS numbers, then each DUNS number has to be registered in the SAM database separately. This is needed before any AIP grants are issued starting in FY 2011. Checking in by searching on the airport sponsor's DUNS number will confirm an active SAM entry.

Note: For those non-primary airports within the Block Grant Program, NHDOT requires four (4) grant application packages printed double-sided (at least one must have original signatures) and FAA will no longer receive any grant applications. For those primary airports outside of the Block Grant program, FAA requires (3) grant application packages and NHDOT requires one (1) grant application package printed double-sided.

Note: For airport improvement projects wholly contained within the airport's property boundaries, FAA has an exemption from the E.O. 12372 Intergovernmental Review Process. These projects no longer need to submit any documentation to the NH Office of Strategic Initiatives, NH's Intergovernmental Review Program Coordinator. Please be advised that in accordance with the Section 106 explanation above, Section 106 coordination may still be required. Additionally, USFWS and Coastal Zone coordination must still occur, as applicable. Most NH airport don’t trip the Coastal Zone regulations, but the USFWS coordination is applicable at each NH airport (visit to get your project’s online coordination letter).

Note: For airport improvement projects partially or wholly located outside of the airport's property boundaries, FAA still requires the project to be submitted for the E.O. 12372, Intergovernmental Review Process. In New Hampshire, the process requires an e-mail containing a PDF of the project’s SF 424, program narrative, the budget sheets from FAA Form 5100-101 or 5100-100 (as appropriate), and project sketch showing the location of the project sent to or alternatively a paper copy may be sent to Alexis M. LaBrie, Procurement & Contract Compliance Officer, NH Office of Strategic Initiatives, 107 Pleasant Street, Johnson Hall, Concord, NH 03301 (phone: 603-271-8339). The e-mail or cover letter should request that the comment summary be sent to NHDOT/Bureau of Aeronautics and FAA/Airports Division. Please be advised that in accordance with the Section 106 explanation above, Section 106 coordination may still be required. In addition, the Intergovernmental Review Process in NH only includes reviews by state organizations so USFWS and Coastal Zone coordination must still occur, as applicable. Most NH airport don’t trip the Coastal Zone regulations, but the USFWS coordination is applicable at each NH airport (visit to get your project’s online coordination letter).