Grant Reimbursement Requests

Planning Studies and Environmental Reports

Grant Reimbursement Requests (Design Only, Design/Construct, Construct Only, Property Acquisition, Equipment Acquisition):

Note: For those nonprimary airports within the Block Grant program, NHDOT requires one (1) grant payment request package (do not submit this package to the FAA). NHDOT prefers PDF copies of these packages e-mailed to the

Note: For those primary airports outside of the Block Grant program, FAA requires submissions of grant payment requests to be done electronically in the Delphi eInvoicing System. NHDOT still requires a PDF of the Invoice Summary Worksheet, Summary of Work Billed, invoices, and screenshot of the Delphi payment approval for each grant payment request e-mailed to the along with the NHDOT Form 5555 (if a state share is requested). NHDOT mimics the documentation requirements of the FAA, so if FAA doesn't require additional documentation, neither does NHDOT.

Note: Since 2013, FAA policy allows the inclusion of pennies in all grant payment requests.  FAA’s rule is that if you didn’t earn the whole penny, you must truncate the cents on the FAA share!  For example, if the requested FAA share mathematically computes as $2,435.667, you must only request $2,435.66 in your grant request package.  Truncation of the pennies is not required for the NHDOT or local shares of a grant payment request. 

Note: Development projects are eligible for grant amendments under FAA’s Airport Improvement Program (AIP) but only if the additional costs are eligible, reasonable, appropriate and necessary AND if funding is available. The maximum grant amendment allowed under AIP is 15% of the original grant amount, again, only if funding is available. If unexpected (unscoped) project costs are incurred during one of these projects, immediately communicate this to the airport sponsor and NHDOT/Bureau of Aeronautics (for Block Grant airports) or FAA (for non-Block Grant airports). Supplemental Engineering Agreements and/or Change Orders may be necessary.