Pedestrian Beacons

Have you seen these lights or beacons? They are relatively new to New Hampshire and are designed to help pedestrians safely cross the roadway. They are called pedestrian hybrid beacons (PHBs) and if you see one please use caution and be aware of what the different lighting patterns represent and what you, as a motorist, should do when you see these signals activated.


Why are these signals being installed?

Safety – Motor vehicle crashes and especially those involving pedestrians and bicyclists are increasing everywhere in the US and the use of PHBs is a proven method of increasing safety at roadway crossing locations. People are driving motor vehicles, bicycling, and walking more and more which adds to the conflict between these transportation modes. We all need to be careful; we have to "share the road” and do all we can to prevent fatalities.

How do they work?

different stoplights


All the lights are unlit or "dark" until a pedestrian activates the system. At that point the bottom yellow light will begin to flash to warn motorists that someone wants to cross.

This brief flashing yellow interval is followed by a steady yellow interval, then by a steady red signal indicating motorists need to come to a complete stop and wait at the stop line.

While motorists are seeing the steady red indication, the WALK sign is lit for pedestrians, allowing them to cross the roadway.

After the pedestrian WALK phase ends, the pedestrian signal indication changes to a flashing DON'T WALK to notify pedestrians not to begin crossing. During the flashing DON'T WALK phase, the PHB displays alternating flashing red lights to drivers. The flashing red indicates to drivers that they are to stop and yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk, and can proceed once pedestrians are clear.

Where are they installed?

Route 4 in Epsom, Route 125 in Epping, Route 25 in Meredith, and Route 114 in Goffstown.

Future installations are planned at various locations around the state.

Where can I learn more about PHBs?

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has three web pages with additional information:

Still have questions? Please call the NHDOT at 603-271-2468.