Interstate DBE Applications

Business whose principal place of business is located outside of New Hampshire State, as defined by 49 CFR 26.5 and 23 CFR 23.3, must be certified as a DBE in their original Jurisdiction of Certification (JOC) before they can be certified as a DBE by the NHDOT. The NHDOT is the sole DBE certifying agency for the State of New Hampshire. There is no cost to obtain DBE certification.

Required Documents 

Once certified, to ensure continued program eligibility, all DBEs are required to submit their paperwork for the annual DBE certification review during the month they certified in their JOC.

Submit your application to: 

IMPORTANT: Incomplete applications will be returned. The NHDOT reserves the right to request additional information from the applicant to assist with DBE certification.  Complete applications shall be processed within ten (10) business days.
