For Immediate Release
Posted: July 13, 2021


David L. Scott, PE, In-House Design Chief
(603) 271-1613
Eileen P. Meaney, Chief Communications Officer
(603) 271-6495

Orford Public Informational Meeting

NHDOT will discuss the replacement of the bridge over Baker Pond Brook on Route 25A

Arrangements have been made by the Department to hold a Public Informational Meeting to discuss the planned bridge replacement of the redlisted bridge carrying NH Route 25A over Baker Pond Brook in Orford.  The presentation will include bridge replacement options, changes to the roadway alignment and profile, construction duration, anticipated impacts to traffic, Appalachian Trail access and coordination with project 40366 which will replace the redlisted bridge carrying Route 25A over Brackett Brook.

The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 27 at 6:00 pm at the Orford Town Office, 2529 Route 25A in Orford, New Hampshire and via a New Hampshire Department of Transportation Zoom link. Presentation materials, the meeting link, and additional instruction are located on the NHDOT website.

The information to join the Zoom meeting is provided under the section titled Public Informational Meeting July 27, 2021.  A pdf of the PowerPoint presentation for this meeting and Zoom help information can also be found in this same location on the website.

The purpose of this meeting is to present citizens and public officials with information regarding the proposed project and to solicit public input in order to ensure that project decisions meet public transportation needs, community goals, and protect and enhance the environment.  Accordingly, NHDOT assures that this project will be administered according to the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and all related statutes to ensure nondiscrimination.
Any individuals needing assistance or auxiliary communication equipment due to sensory impairment or other disability, should contact the Bureau of Right-Of-Way, NHDOT, PO Box 483, Concord, New Hampshire 03302-0483 – TDD Access: Relay NH 1-800-735-2964.  Notification of the need for assistance should be made as soon as possible.