Debarment and Suspension or Exclusion from Federally Funded Projects

Federal regulations require that entities being paid with federal assistance are not debarred or suspended (formerly known as Excluded Parties) by any federal agency.

Under the Airport Block Grant Program, the NHDOT/Bureau of Aeronautics must ensure that this is the case. All New Hampshire Airport Block Grant Program airport sponsors must have a DUNS number and be registered at The NHDOT/Bureau of Aeronautics is also required in the Airport Block Grant Program to ensure that all first tier firms (i.e., firms that contract directly with the airport sponsor) are also not debarred or suspended. There are two options available for these firms:

  • A DUNS number and a ) registration, OR
  • Complete and sign a certification statement indicating that the firm is not debarred or suspended from working on federally funded projects. This must be submitted to the NHDOT/Bureau of Aeronautics before any grant reimbursement requests are submitted.
    NH ABGP Certification Regarding Debarment or Suspension
  • In addition, because State of New Hampshire funds are involved in these projects (both Block Grant and non-Block Grant), the State of New Hampshire’s Debarred Parties List must also be reviewed by the airport sponsor to ensure firms they directly contract with are not debarred from receiving state funds: