Natural Resource Agency Coordination Meetings

The NHDOT facilitates a Natural Resource Agency Coordination meeting almost every 3rd Wednesday of the month at NHDOT's offices. All the state and federal environmental agencies are represented and sometimes some local ones too (if there's a project they're interested in). The airport owner (or their representative) gets a chance to give a brief presentation to these agencies and then request their feedback (the more specific the better). This is one of the "environmental streamlining" efforts NHDOT does and it's been pretty successful.

For our Block Grant airports, the Bureau of Aeronautics will attend these meetings in support of an airport's projects. Depending on the complexity or federal conflicts associated with the project, FAA may attend as well. These are open-to-the-public meetings so feel free to attend any meeting. The Bureau of Aeronautics sends out reminders at the beginning of the month to the public use airports (and their consultants) in case something has come up on their projects that needs environmental agency input. You don't need to wait to request to be placed on these agendas, just send in the locus map and the meeting request form to the Bureau of Aeronautics and we'll route it to our Bureau of Environment who facilitates these meetings. NRAC meeting request form