Strategic Event Submission Form

If a project impacts FAA owned equipment on airport, you must complete an Airport Sponsor Strategic Event Submission Form (FAA Form 6000-26). This form must be completed 45 days prior to any NAVAID impact. This form allows for FAA coordination and communication of the status of the impacted NAVAID.

FAA Flight Check for NAVAIDS
Methodology for setting up a flight check and processing payment for these flights:

1. Plan to schedule a flight check 3-4 months prior to the need for flight check. Send an e-mail to Georgia Hines ( or call her (405-954-8545) to request a flight check and a reimbursable agreement. Alternatively, Kadi Barrett works with Georgia and she can be reached at or 405-954-8545.
2. Georgia will ask for some pertinent contact and navaid information to fill in a reimbursable agreement and will send it to the consultant or the airport (the FAA normally contracts with airports,but can contract with consultants if they get a letter from the airport stating the consultant is their representative in this matter).
3. The airport (or consultant) will execute the reimbursable agreement and cut a check to send back to Georgia at the FAA.
4. Georgia will set up the payment in the FAA accounting system. Step 1-4 can take up to 6 weeks.
5. The airport and Georgia will need to stay in touch regarding the actual flight date(s). It can typically take between 1-4 weeks to get on the flight check schedule. This is because FAA/Flight Check is trying to coordinate their flights in the same area and combine the paying flights with non-paying flights which helps to reduce the costs for the paying flights.
6. Once the flight check has occurred, the costs will be tallied by Georgia and if a refund is due, she will cut the check back to the entity that signed the original check to FAA. She understands that AIP grants need a timely closeout of reimbursable agreements and she tries to get these done promptly.