Records Section

Responsible for maintaining project files, plans, forms, office equipment and supply inventory for Highway Design as well as providing the public, upon request, with such information as record plans, Specifications Books, and design manuals.

Publications (available upon request):

Record Plans

  • Full size (24" x 36") plan sheets - $8.00 for first sheet, $1.00 each additional sheet in the same project.
  • Half-scale (11" x 17") plan sheets - $.50 per sheet or $30 for 1/2 scale set.
  • Legal size xerox copies (8.5" x 14") - $.15 per sheet.
  • Letter size xerox Copies (8.5" x 11") - $.10 per sheet.
  • Electronic Copies (CAD/D Files) - $30 plus $1.00 (Cost of CD-R Disk)
  • Copies of Hearing Plans and other Rolled Plans - $20 for up to 10ft, then add $2.00 per ft. over 10ft. These Plans are to be made in the Print Shop.



Accepted payment methods are cash or check, payable to the "Treasurer, State of New Hampshire." Please attach a note with your check stating that you wish to purchase these items from the "Records Section".

Mailing Address: