Roadside Development

Roadside Development is responsible for reviewing and collecting information for landscaping needs and wants from organizations, communities, agencies, departments, and property owners etc.

Roadside Development prepare preliminary landscaping plans, review them with all concerned, and redesign if necessary. Prepare preliminary estimates and final estimates, then review them with project managers. They assist other departments and agencies with the investigation of illegal cutting on State property, NH Scenic easements, approved products list, landscaping specifications, typical sheets, loam and seed specifications. They do wildflower, lilac and general landscaping presentations throughout New Hampshire and New England.


The Governor's Lilac and Wildflower Commission

They promote extensive plantings of lilacs and wildflowers throughout the state, for the pleasure and use of residents and visitors. They involve agricultural, educational and horticultural programs in planting and propagating lilacs and wildflowers for local community projects. While encouraging the efforts of state garden clubs in lilac and wildflower programs and coordinating garden club efforts with state, town and city planting and maintenance programs. They also solicit the help of service clubs and commercial groups or individuals to assist financially or by donations of plant materials to local schools, FFA Chapters, 4-H Clubs or other youth groups participating in local lilac and wildflower programs. They utilize the newer varieties of lilacs developed at the University of New Hampshire to extend the season of bloom and to make available information on good cultural practices for growing lilacs to insure the best possible results. They provide a memorable experience for tourists visiting the state while developing information on the establishment, maintenance and rejuvenation of wildflowers along the highways and in communities for public enjoyment.

Other organizations and program involvement:

Landscaping Projects/Committees (Assistance)

  • New Hampshire Federation of Garden Clubs/and Non-Affiliated Garden Clubs
  • New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery
  • Flower Program along Highway System Department of Transportation/Liquor Commission
  • Wildflower Projects with Communities throughout the State
  • Tilton Riverfront Park Assistance
  • New Hampshire Forestry Advisory Council
  • Pesticide Committee

For more information visit our Horticultural Links page.