OJT Supportive Services Program

The OJT Supportive Services (OJT SS) is a program of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and supplements the OJT Program. The program aims to increase the number of women, minorities, and other disadvantaged individuals in the highway construction industry.

NHDOT works with a consultant on implementing an OJT SS Statement of Work (SOW), which is approved by FHWA annually. NHDOT reviews all federal-aid projects for eligibility and places OJT trainee requirements on certain projects/contracts following the established criteria.

Who is Eligible for Assistance?


Contractors who have been awarded contracts with OJT trainee requirements, are eligible for the OJT SS program assistance, such as the assistance with marketing materials, recruiting, employee retention and similar.

OJT Trainees

OJT trainees are also eligible for assistance through the OJT SS program with things like reimbursement for boots and tools or training assistance, skills training, job referral and employment counseling. 

What are the Benefits?


  • Training can be completed over multiple federal-aid projects.*
  • Contractors may not pay full journeyman rates if they choose to.*
  • Contactors have access to the OJT SS Consultant who is at their disposal to assist them with their needs.
  • Contractors are able to retain a skilled workforce. 

OJT Trainees

  • OJT trainees will receive real training experience, develop skills and quickly learn how to do the job on a good or acceptable level.
  • OJT trainees will work toward gainful employment in the highway construction industry.
  • OJT trainees may receive a reimbursement for steel-toe boots and other tools. 
  • OJT trainees may be approved to sign up for additional training such as safety training provided by OSHA and more.

At NHDOT, the OFC is responsible for oversight of the program.

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