
The Department of Transportation's Survey Section collects spatial data and provides the basic framework used to map, build, and maintain New Hampshire's transportation systems.

About Our GNSS Base Station Site …

The geodetic component of the Survey Section makes extensive use of Global Navigation Satellite System technology to establish a highly accurate control network and supply geodetic coordinates for all projects undertaken by the Department.

We operate a full-time GNSS base station for the benefit of mapping activities within the Department as well as for outside governmental and private sector mapping and surveying groups.

NHDOT GNSS Site Details


Datum: NAD83 (2011)
Latitude: 43 12' 46.19593" N
Longitude: 71 31' 11.47552" W
Ellipsoid height: 89.430 m
Elevation Mask: 5
Logging Interval: 5 s
Rollover period: 1 hour
Antenna height: 0.000 m (ARP)

Data collected with Trimble NETR9 GNSS receiver with a Trimble Zephyr 3 Geodetic antenna (TRM115000.00) and GPSBase software.

Note Regarding our old base station, NHDOT

On July 13, 2009, the DOT''s previous GPs base station, NHDT, suffered a major crash. Data from the period before the crash is available online at the National Geodetic Survey's CORS Web site or by contacting the DOT's Survey Section.

Downloading GNSS Files:

  • DAT Files - Trimble format GNSS data, including pseudoprange, carrier phase, and ephemeris information as well as differential corrections.
  • RINEX Files (Receiver Independent Exchange Format) - developed by the Astronomical Institute of the University of Berne for easy exchange of GPS Data.
  • TGD Files
  • T02 Files

For More Information…

National Geodetic Survey - National CORS

The National Geodetic Survey coordinates a network of continuously operating reference stations (CORS) that provide GPS measurements in support of 3-dimensional positioning activities throughout the United States and its territories.

NHDOT Geodetic Control Online

Geodetic Control data is available online at New Hampshire's Statewide Geographic Information System (GIS) clearinghouse, NH GRANIT. Complete coordinate data and location information can be accessed through the site's GRANIT Data Mapper.

We'd like to thank The New Hampshire Geographically Reference Analysis and Information Transfer System (NH GRANIT) and the University of New Hampshire for their continued support and assistance.