Bridge Maintenance

Welcome to the Bureau of Bridge Maintenance!

Bridge Maintenance is responsible for the maintenance and repair of all NHDOT owned highway bridges. 

  • In New Hampshire, a structure is considered a bridge if it has span length of ten feet or greater. 
  • Currently there are 2,162 (2022) bridges owned and maintained by the State of New Hampshire. 

The Bureau performs maintenance, preservation, rehabilitation work and provides emergency response to support the safe and reliable movement of people and goods over bridges in New Hampshire. In addition, we operate and maintain the states movable, lift span brides. The Bureau operates from a central office in Concord that coordinates the activities of our construction crews statewide.

Levi D. Byers, P.E.

Contact Bridge Maintenance

Email Address:

Mailing Address:                          Lift Bridge Operations:                Outside Business Hours Contact:

PO Box 483                                   Phone: (603) 436-1099                 TMC: (603) 271-6862
Concord, NH 03302-0483

Phone: (603) 271-3667

Fax: (603) 271-1588



What is Bridge Maintenance responsible for?

The Bureau performs maintenance, preservation, rehabilitation work and provides emergency response to support the safe and reliable movement of people and goods over bridges in New Hampshire.

Who maintains a particular bridge?

The Bureau of Bridge Design lists all New Hampshire bridges by city/town stating who maintains a particular bridge. 

Document Library | Bridge Design | NH Department of Transportation - 2021 Bridge Summery.      2021 Bridge Summary (Revised March 2022)                                  

Are all bridge projects managed by Bridge Maintenance?

Bridge projects performed by bureau employed construction crews are managed by Bridge Maintenance. All other highway and bridge projects throughout the state are overseen and managed by the Bureau of Construction.

Construction Projects

Who oversees Bridge Inspections?

The Bureau of Bridge Design inspects and evaluates all bridges to comply with state and federal guidelines and to ensure a safe and reliable bridge network.

Where can I find size and weight limits for bridges?

The Bureau of Bridge Design – Bridge Restrictions for Weight.


Who changes the decorative lighting on the Memorial Bridge? 


The City of Portsmouth, see policy: BridgeLightingPolicy.pdf 

How does Bridge Maintenance respond to bridge graffiti?

Department Policy Regarding Graffiti.

This Bureau will review complaints about graffiti on state-maintained bridges.  If the words or drawings are deemed particularly offensive, profane, or slanderous we will schedule a crew to cover it up.  Graffiti that police departments report as gang related will also be scheduled to be covered.  We do not have dedicated crews of people to review and cover/remove all the graffiti that is present.  If we were to, it would be at the expense of the safety and infrastructure preservation work we prioritize.


Portsmouth Lift Bridge Picture (center photo) by: Diane Funk