For Immediate Release
Posted: May 10, 2023


Cody Oliphant, DBE Coordinator, NHDOT Office of Federal Compliance
(603) 271-3491
Richard Arcand, Public Information Officer
(603) 271-6495

Free Help for Disadvantaged Businesses

Program helps businesses to grow and apply for federally funded projects.

The Disadvantaged Business Enterprise/Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE/ACDBE) Program is a federal program that was created to ensure nondiscrimination in the award of federal-aid contracts and to level the playing field for small, minority and women-owned companies, as well as other socially and economically disadvantaged individuals, that are seeking to grow their businesses.

Businesses that meet the criteria and complete the registration process will gain access to a variety of business development resources, access to capital, and assistance finding federal contracts offered by NHDOT and other state, county, and local government agencies that work with DBE program requirements. The program also helps businesses build relationships with prime contractors and to gain valuable experience and exposure. These resources and connections can also be used to expand the business in other, non-federally funded business areas.

NHDOT Commissioner William Cass stated “The DBE program is important as it helps to level the playing field for small businesses that may not have access to the same resources as larger firms to participate in our construction program. By providing opportunities and assistance to these businesses, the program promotes economic growth and stability.” 

To get started or learn more businesses should visit this web page or call Cody Oliphant, DBE Coordinator at (603) 271-3491 during normal business hours.