Airport Layout Plan

If you are working on a planning study and need to circulate the draft ALP set for comment, FAA will conduct reviews of draft ALP submissions electronically through the OE/AAA Web site for both Block Grant airports and non-Block Grant airports.

This replaces the previous procedure where FAA receives the draft ALP set and circulates it for comment to the various FAA lines of business. Use the same procedure as for submitting the Construction Safety and Phasing Plans except at step 5.h. select "Planning" and at step 5.i. select "Planning - Airport Layout Plan". Because NHDOT/Bureau of Aeronautics is not tied into FAA's Web site, please continue to send a paper copy of the draft ALP set to NHDOT/Bureau of Aeronautics. In addition to uploading the ALP to the OE/AAA website also upload a scanned copy of the completed ALP Review Checklist found in Appendix A of the FAA ARP SOP 2.00.