FTA Grants & Related Information

NHDOT administers Federal Transit Administration (FTA) grant programs as detailed below. All documents are available in alternate formats upon request.

Program administration is conducted according to NHDOT's FTA State Management Plan, which can be found here: FTA State Management Plan


Current and recent FTA Apportionments can be found here: State of NH FTA funding information for FFY 2024 (Last updated: 04/30/2024)


Note: All recipients of FTA grant funding (i.e., any entities that contract with NHDOT for FTA-funded projects) will be required to sign the annual Certifications and Assurances and acknowledge receipt of the FTA Master Agreement.


FTA Program 5305e Statewide Transportation Planning & Research

FTA Program 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individual with Disabilities Capital (Vehicle & Equipment) Program

FTA Program 5310 Regional Coordinating Council (RCC) Program Funding for Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities

**For invoice templates, please contact NHDOT

FTA Program 5311 Rural (Non-Urbanized) Transit

FTA Program 5311f Intercity Bus 

  • Next solicitation: TBD
  • Last Solicitation: August 8, 2022 -- An RFP was posted on the State of NH's Statewide Bids & Proposals page:
  • NH Statewide Bids & Proposals
  • The RFP closed on 9/23/22

FTA Program 5339 Bus & Bus Facilities

FTA Program 5339 Discretionary Grants 5339b Bus Program and 5339c Low or No Emission Program

Please contact NHDOT for details. Information is generally sent to eligible recipients separately.


A summary of all recent NHDOT grant/contract awards can be found on NHDOT's Procurement website.

For additional information regarding grant awards, please contact NHDOT Public Transportation Administrator: