Traffic Research

Traffic Research oversees the Department's traffic monitoring program by designing, maintaining, and operating a system of data collection equipment for traffic volume, vehicle classification, and vehicle weight.

Traffic Research reviews data intended for use in evaluating the safety and geometric needs of projects, as well as forecasting travel patterns over the lifespan of capital improvement projects, driveway permit applications and municipally managed projects. They play a key role in Federal reporting of data, which is used to determine the State's share of Federal infrastructure funding.

Traffic Research Contacts

Stuart Thompson, P.E., Traffic Research Engineer, (603) 271-0390, 

Ian Wong, P.E., PTOE, Traffic Analysis Engineer, (603) 271-1682,

Vacant, Traffic Analysis Engineer, (603) 271-8010

Vacant, Traffic Research Technician

Christopher Moore, Traffic Research Technician, (703) 447-3864,

Julie Mathews, P.E., Project Manager, (603) 419-0890,

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